TTT1: Inaugural meeting and Adams Memorial lectures, Manchester
12–14 June 1995
Victor Buhstaber
Groups of diffeomorphisms of the superline and the Adams-Novikov spectral sequence (first Adams lecture)
Nori Minami
On the iterated transfer
Victor Buhstaber
Semigroups of maps into groups, doubling of Hopf algebras, and complex cobordism'' (second Adams lecture)
Martin Crossley
Polynomials annihilated by Steenrod powers
Sarah Whitehouse
2:00pm Victor Buhstaber
Multivalued groups and integrable correspondences (third Adams lecture)
Further information
Further information
The meeting was partially supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society, and one of its themes was 'Novel approaches to algebras of cohomology operations'.
The Adams lecturer was sponsored by KPMG.