TTT25: Manchester

About Bordism Completions Duality Equivariance Finiteness and Groups

Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester.

This was a meeting with an introduction to equivariant algebraic topology, an appreciation of John Greenlees' recent contributions to the subject, and an opportunity for informal discussions with the speaker.

The subject-matter and format was motivated by the rapidly increasing importance of equivariant techniques in all branches of topology. Those (such as the local organiser) who had no background in the subject needed a helping hand to get started!

Some participants gave a 10 minute sketch of their own equivariant interests after the second talk.


15 May 2000


John Greenlees (Sheffield)
An introduction to equivariant topology
Basic constructions in equivariant homotopy, mainly be example, and to apply equivariant K theory to them. This talk was intended to be a useful introduction to equivariant methods.

John Greenlees (Sheffield)
Rational S^1-equivariant elliptic cohomology
The properties of the cohomology theory and an explanation of its construction. This involves using the algebraic model for S^1-equivariant rational cohomology theories. Most of the talk was be guided by the analogy with equivariant K theory, which is familiar and easier to deal with. Joint work with Hopkins and Rosu.

Further information

The meeting was partially supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society.