TTT26: Leicester
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Leicester.
The meeting was part of a one-week programme of algebra and topology activities.
20 September 2000
Dietrich Notbohm (Leicester)
Uniqueness of 2-compact groups
Andrey Lazarev (Bristol)
Moduli spaces of A-infinity maps
Andy Baker (Glasgow)
Brave new Hopf algebroids and some applications
There was a second topology day which was not part of the TTT, but the programme was included since it was certainly of interest to TTT members.
Ran Levi (Aberdeen)
Alexander Zimmermann (Amiens)
Derived categories of group rings
Sarah Whitehouse (Lens)
Symmetric numerical polynomials and cooperations in K-theory
Srikanth Iyengar (Sheffield)
Finiteness in the homology of commutative algebras
Further information
As usual, TTT26 was partially supported by an London Mathematical Society Scheme 3 grant and travel for TTT members was reimbursed.