TTT35: Manchester

Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester.


30 July 2002


Bob Bruner (Wayne State) (Sheffield)
Real connective K-theory

Nathalie Wahl (Aarhus)
Rectification of diagrams, applied homotopy theory

Christian Ausoni (Sheffield)
On topological Hochschild homology of connective complex K-theory


Bob Bruner

This talk will describe recent results on the real connective K-cohomology of classifying spaces of finite groups.

Nathalie Wahl

To rectify a diagram which commutes only up to homotopy, one needs 'higher homotopies'. Following ideas of Dwyer and Kan, I will present a method which allows us to deal with these questions and apply it to geometric situations coming from the mapping class groups.

Christian Ausoni

After reviewing some definitions, I will present computations in topological Hochschild homology of K-theory and discuss motivations, applications and speculations.

Further information

The meeting was partially supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society.