TTT27: Sheffield

Department of Pure Mathematics, the University of Sheffield.

This was a working meeting with the usual time for participant discussion. 

Unfortunately, due to disruption of rail services, Stavros Tsalidis (Aberdeen) was not able to get to Sheffield to give his talk 'Etale descent for topological cyclic homology and algebraic K-theory.' Since John Greenlees' second talk in the TTT ABCDEFG day (TTT25) continued with background and did not touch on rational S^1-equivariant elliptic cohomology, we have included it below.


6 November 2000


Neil Strickland (Sheffield)
Common sub-bundles and intersections of divisors

John Greenlees (Sheffield)
Rational S^1-equivariant elliptic cohomology

Amnon Neeman (ANU)
Strange abelian categories

Further information

The meeting was partially supported by a Scheme 3 grant from the London Mathematical Society.